Sunday, 16 September 2007

Humanism - The Battle for our Minds

The evidence is overwhelming today, that a fierce campaign is being waged in order to form a "Humanist" unitary mind in the area of public opinion.

The relentless attack on the belief that the Bible is to be understood literally ( Fundamentalism and Conservative Christianity ) has been a consistant feature in the secular media over a number of years.This "Phenomena" known by some conclude that this campaign has now reached a point where it will threaten the long held religious liberties that most western nations have enjoyed. Even today, those who actually practise certain Bible, discipline of Children, public condemnation of immoral behaviour and life-styles - rules of religious association etc,...could find themselves facing legal charges.

How is it, that countries which not so very long ago, cherished and valued in general a Bible-based legal code, fostering religious liberty and even encouraged Bible reading in public schools - How is it that a society of this charactor has been so radically transformed over such a short period?.. The answer is disturbing, even chilling, yet must be addressed.

Society has been transformed into one that is broadly humanist, socialist and ( as far as religion is concerned ) ecumenical, using methods and techniques to bring about change. Describing the mechanism of indoctrination in various parts of the world in modern times shows us how techniques based upon behaivoural sciences could be employed to gain effective control over the minds of men and women. The use of rythmic sound, emotional disturbances etc - especially through communications media of today, .....Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many......

If we think that this is too far fetched, concider that which was accomplished in Germany during the 30's......How did Hitler manage to pursuade so many intelligent people in Germany to regard him in such a short time as a "god". Hitler never did conceal his method, which included deliberately producing such phenomena ( psychological effects caused ) by organised excitement and mass hypnotism, and even boasted how easy it was to impose "the lie of genius" on his victims.

These methods have since been refined and are more subtle, more sophisticated and more effective. Today, through journalist, the broadcaster, TV announcer and the politicians are openly termed the " formers of public opnion" Over a period of 50 years ( and during the past 30 years especially) they have transformed society, creating a unitary mind - based upon humanistic socialism which demands......." political correctness" from everyone...

Evidence clearly shows that the final humanist objective is that of socialist world government. How the leading humanist, Julian Huxley, wrote the framework policy document for UNESCO in about 1946. Believing that society is travelling upon an evoltionary path and can be, "engineered", he advocated the dissolution of National identity while other governments became gradually subordinate to one world super government, and accordingly we are seeing this very policy carried out today in the formation of the European Union.

Political unification requires the "unification of the mind" firstly in schools. As an early example of their intention to abolish all ideas of National Sovereignty, the following statement appeared in the UNESCO publication entitled........'In the classroom with children under 13 years of age' although undated was issued in about 1949.

As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, , education in world mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. It is usually the Family which infects the child with extreme nationalism. The School should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes. Along with this was the proposal to remove the Bible from schools and replace it with the teaching of the theory of Evolution and providing sex education in the humanist mould.

Our thoughts and opinions are moulded by the information we recieve daily via magazines, newspapers, radio and television. Whereas, the principle that opposing viewpoints should be heard was once honoured, today, news syndicates have coalesced to a single viewpoint - that of the humanist........
There has, in effect, been a censorship or severe curtailment of news items that do not support either the theory of evolution or the socialist ideals..

Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many! That the means exists whereby a unified public opinion may be created, would only be denied by the naive and ill-informed. That it is in fact happening, is evident in the fields of Education, the mass-media and the socio-political world in which we live.

What is equally clear, is that so few are conscious of the invasion upon their minds - or have the means or will to resist it............

European Union, ( Educational booklet) (1998).......For the purpose of the European Communities. (shaping young minds ) Quote: For the purpose of Teachers to use when addressing the subject of racism with young people. But it is not just about racism and religious freedom, it places "sexual preferences" in the same category. This is an evil attempt to corrupt the rising generation - It is an indoctrination comparible to that seen in Nazi Germany......

There is being created.....One Mind and to the extent that we open the doors of our brain to these powerful influences, we will have the ideas, the doctrines, the philosophies, the views and the moral corruption of the world "impressed: upon us".

Where the mind of Christ truely exists in a man and woman, the most sophisticated techniques in modern brain-washing cannot prevail. All the efforts to indoctrinate will indeed.........Fail.

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