Saturday 8 March 2008

The Gary Baumgarten Report: Would Obama Really Get The Troops Home Faster?

The Gary Baumgarten Report: Would Obama Really Get The Troops Home Faster?

Of course Obama wont pull the troops out as fast as he says.............why would he want to be the president who cut and ran...........that would not only hurt his legacy, but it would hurt the democrats also, as well as making the terrorists the winners... and the second he does this, he will become a four year president and a lame duck... this country is not the base of the democratic party......most of America is fairly conservative in there thinking and they are PRO AMERICAN MILITARY......(this isn't the 60's folks).
Outside of this, The logistics of bringing the troops out almost dictates it would take two years AT LEAST.
There are more then people in Iraq, there are trucks and planes, and equipment that numbers in thousands if not millions of tons.
Not to mention the Iraqi's will feel like we've abandoned them, which will hurt us even more because other countries will see that we don't follow through with what we say we're going to do.
and of course there is what gary said..........Obama is not privy to the information the president is privy to right now.
and there is plenty only the president can know for national security reasons.

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