Thursday, 6 December 2007

Mister CIA is alive in the heart of the BUSH HQ ACADEMY

The third of december will be an official day for the BUSH HQ. On the third of december 1997 the BUSH HQ academy started & on the third of december 2007 the BUSH HQ academy lost one of its founding members: our beloved MR CIA. Ten years of struggling against islamic infestation was enough to kill the body; the soul and the spirit survived and are fighting till the infestation is eradicated.
The spirit is still in the "THOU SHALL NOT KILL" academy & those who remain in that institute will keep the torch illuminating the darkness of many spirits dimmed by islam. The BUSH HQ academy will continue the fight the way MR CIA has inititated it till islam is extinct from our societies and declared a social hazard & illegal.
The soul went to paradise like an eagle supervising those carrying the light further so this light remains illuminating & radiating the shadows of the darkness of islam.
MR CIA did not die. Bill will die only when our BUSH HQ academy closes its doors. He is above sending shadows of rays leading the way to be followed closed eyes. He is witnessing mohammad and allat burning in the fire of hell below; what a great shahada. He is still hunting mohammetans with his Winchester & sending them to lucifer like shahids as well as fishing in waters of godly limpidity unlike that of zamzam where pathogenic bacteria grow. He is preserving his habit of Bar B Q's where the pork ribs are replaced by mohammad's ribs and the saucages & salami's are stuffed bowels of allat; all of this to feed his dogs with.
MR CIA we miss you here but we will never forget you; we are sure you will never forget us neither. You preceded us and soon all of us will meet above in the realms of God where you are founding a new BUSH HQ family and condemning those who kill to eternal grilling in the mohammetan cage called hell.
MR CIA our friend, companion brother and senior: we give you our word of honour that the room you started with us will keep on the job till islam dies. We promise you that our endeavour will double its impetus & our impacts on islam from now on will be lethal. No more jokes, no more mister nice guys. We are all MR CIA and MR CIA is all of us. In the name of alana, jojotay, flygirl, opus dei, thunderman, petesjoy and stever, your real companions since 10 years, I present to you my sincerest and deepest greetings asking you to prepare our places in the Godly BUSH HQ "THOU SHALL NOT KILL" you are founding above. Please do not forget to send us the admin code.
Your beloved brother Sintandrew.

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