Sunday, 23 December 2007

New syro-american deal.

Syria Arrests Top Officials in Hariri Murder CaseBashar's Relative Part of the Mystery.

Three top ranking Syrian officers have been arrested on suspicion of being involved in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Al Hariri.The three men are Jamea Jamea, former Syrian intelligence official in Lebanon, Said Rabah, Syrian intelligence official in Mount Lebanon, and Ghassan Bilal, director of Maher al Asad's (brother of Bashar al Assad) office.They are in jail near Damascus.Muhammad Makhluf, a relative of the President, is criticially ill in hospital, after a car crash. It's thought the 'accident' was an assassination attempt against him.It comes as America and Syria move closer to reaching an 'understanding' over Lebanon. Were these arrests part of the deal?

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